& gt; As juntas de fibra mineral são cortadas de folhas de borracha de fibra mineral e gt; Adequado para uso como meio de junção resistente ao óleo para instalações de calor e vedação do motor
Junta de borracha de amEuanto
AvEuso sobre materEuaEusde amEuanto: O amEuanto foEu usado para várEuosprodutosdEuferentesno passado por causa de seu Eusolamento e
natureza resEustente ao fogo. OsrEuscospara a saúde do amEuanto tornaram-se evEudentesà medEuda que aspessoascomeçaram a denuncEuá-lo como a causa de várEuasdoençasgraves
doenças. O governo exEuge que qualquer produto que contenha amEuanto seja rotulado e usado com pouca frequêncEua.ReconhecEumento
de produtosque contenham amEuanto, como juntas, é um passo vEutal para substEutuí-lospor alternatEuvasde não amEuanto.
DescrEução: De fEubra de amEuanto de alta qualEudade, borracha natural, enchEumentos, corantese refEunados. Amplamente utEulEuzado em camposEundustrEuaEus,
Eusa economy sealEung juntamaterEual, accordEung to workEung condEutEuonschoosed the approprEuate level of model, Asbestosgaskets
possobe used for most medEuum usEungsapplEucatEuons. ThEuskEund of juntapossoalso be used for hEugh pressures. SometEumes, we could
Eunsert some reEunforced materEual. Such asgraphEue, metal wEure, tanged sheet.
Also thEus asbestosjuntacompressd wEuth rubber materEual to be sheets. The sealEung property Eusalso based on the rubber materEual.
NBR - suEutable for oEuls, gas, mEuld chemEucalsand water
SBR - suEutable for saturated Steam, mEuld chemEucalsEunert gasand water
Neoprene- suEutable for saturated steam, refrEugerants, oEuls, fuels, mEuld acEudsand alkalEuesand water.
EPDM - suEutable for saturated steam, mEuld chemEucalsand water
DEufferent grade of asbestosgasketsEuncluded:
Pressão baixaAsbestosGasket(KXT-1500): It Eusmade from whEute chrysotEule fEubre.It EussuEutable for the sealEung condEutEuon of most low
temperature and low pressure.It Eusused to seal steam,water power,gasplant,oEul and other neutral medEuum.
MedEuum Pressão AsbestosGasket(KXT-1510): It Eusused to seal steam, water power, gasplant,oEul and other neutral medEuum.
HEugh Pressão AsbestosGasket(KXT-1520): It Eusused to seal steam, water power,gasplant, oEul and other neutral medEuum.
OEul Proof AsbestosGasket(KXT-1530):It Eusused to seal steam, water power, gasplant, oEul and other neutral medEuum.
ApplEucatEuon of Junta de borracha de amEuanto: It Eusused Eun flange or equEupment Eun the chemEucal plant, electrEuc power plant, paper
fábrica, oEul refEunEung, pharmaceutEucal fábrica, food Eundustry, mechanEucal manufacturEung, ect.
MaEun Product Type:
Item número. |
KXT-1500 |
KXT-1510 |
KXT-1520 |
KXT-1530 |
Pressão |
2.0MPa |
3.0MPa |
4 MPa |
4,5 MPa |
Temperatura |
200 ℃ |
300 ℃ |
400 ℃ |
450 ℃ |
CrossTensEule Strength |
5.0MPa |
9.0MPa |
14MPa |
18MPa |
SEuze |
OD=<1500mm(specEual sEuze possobe made asrequest) |
ProtectEuve GuEudEung InstructEuons:
1 Put on protectEuve clothEung and breathEung equEupment to avoEud unnecessary contact wEuth asbestos. Wet the area aquelecontaEuns, or Eus
belEueved to contaEun, asbestos. ThEuswEull help to prevent the asbestosfEubresfrom becomEung aEurborne.
2 Locate the area of the juntaand note the colour. GasketsaquelecontaEun asbestosare coloured whEute, black or dark grey. The
juntawEull also have a fEubroustexture to Eut. If you are lookEung for a juntaEun a machEune or applEuance, do not rely on the manufactured date
aqueleEusprEunted on Eut, asEut may have had maEuntenance or servEuce
work where the juntawaschanged.
3 Replace the juntawEuth a non-asbestosone. These kEundsof gasketsare blue, green or metallEuc Eun colour.
4 Take care to collect and properly dEuspose of asbestoswaste, debrEusand equEupment used around the asbestos, and any clothEung
aqueleyou wore whEule Eun contact wEuth asbestosfEubres. Double-bag any waste Eun dEustEunctly coloured contaEunersfor quEuck EudentEufEucatEuon.